Support Your Family Spirit with the Family Time Box

Support Your Family Spirit with the Family Time Box

From marriage, or the arrival of the first child, the idea of creating a family spirit in one's home grows in each of us. Our lives are transformed, and taking charge of family life is an awaited and fulfilling experience.

As we adapt to a new rhythm of life, we become aware of the personal upheavals that family life implies: taking control. No matter where we come from, upon becoming a parent, the inevitable responsibility towards ourselves and our children is born.

We, as parents, have the duty to provide a family structure for our children, to love them, to educate them properly, to be proud of them, and to be there for them, so that they become fulfilled adults with true and good values.

This realization can be dizzying... Especially since one does not become a parent, one becomes one. This question, we all ask ourselves: what will we pass on to our children? What is the family we want to see grow? A source of personal fulfillment, the idea of committing to one's family is exciting, fueling countless dreams. We question our life ethics, reconsider our values, then our life choices. We invest in our home by integrating memories through objects and family photos, we plan family activities, we engage as much as we can in our children's education, accompanying them.

Cultivating and containing family life is essential but presents a real challenge for the couple. Whether we plan or let things happen, we often find ourselves scattered, and the family spirit struggles to take shape and root. Why?

Generally, we have learned that family life is an individual logistics and a parent's affair. Whereas with my husband, we are rather convinced that our satisfaction comes from including household members in family management, adapted to age and abilities, thus creating a constructive and educational synergy for everyone. Instruction is not only the transmission of knowledge, it is also about raising, elevating. Children ask to be elevated. They want to understand the life of adults, their work, their tasks, their responsibilities, their activities, their relationships, with the most beautiful sides and the less pretty. Aren't they always there watching us do, imitating the best and worst of ourselves?

With Family Time, we wanted a tool that supports the family spirit, favoring relationships between family members. The multifunctional and easy-to-use tool helps parents include their children in family life, in learning autonomy, self-discipline, and in their education. Confident participation in the home cultivates their confidence to take initiatives and build their own lives. Children gain maturity by being more responsible and autonomous! This confidence connects them to their needs and limits, and any fulfilled adult life should start with this acquisition.

Also, children and parents need to project themselves in time and have concrete landmarks. Thanks to Family Time, your family time is visualized. You can visualize together the past, present, and future time. Faced with your child's questions, "Mom, when is my birthday?" "Dad, when is Christmas coming?" "Mom, when are we going to see grandma and grandpa?" 'Family Time' supports you in visualizing these dear events.

The couple is completely upset after the arrival of the first child, then again with the second, and the following ones. This new playground requires the couple to face a number of challenges to find their bearings. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities and the lack of confidence in this new role are often the main source of tension between partners. Shared management of the home will help you strengthen your couple by deepening your complicity in the face of adversity.

With Family Time, a tool visible on your wall, you have an intermediary to delegate family management to. The supports invite involvement by taking note of each other's life events. With needs and tasks displayed, communication and cooperation are facilitated. From this successful cooperation, the couple gains greater shared satisfaction than the mere successful completion of tasks. Because parents also need to feel confident in their ability to get involved in their home and couple. They see themselves grow and the children take note! A bit of shared wisdom...


The five tools of Family Time thus invite the sharing of life stories. They support this time of complicity in daily life to share one's day, a memory, to discuss people, events, places. These conversations create emotionally rich moments that are indelibly imprinted in the memory. Intimacy grows as you learn to know each other better.

With Family Time, your moments with family are more numerous and more regular, pleasant, and strong. It is no longer a chore for one parent, a source of endless conflicts or abandonments. By encouraging participation, sharing, and listening, new bonds are created and others develop, cultivating moments of complicity, creating funny and loving moments. In this effort, your family consolidates around the values each person brings. Everyone contributes their part to the building, giving and creating meaning. The little ones are often the most astonishing in this regard. Because you use Family Time as you wish, you give your family the meaning you want.

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